
play powered by machine learing
Designing programming tools for kids to create with ML
Talk at Micro:bit livePlushPal App
ux design

Enabling anyone to build and share apps on the web
tinkercad circuits: code blocks
A visual programming environment for Arduino
Designing Code Blocks
tinkercad circuit assemblies
Integrating electronics with 3D design
Designing Circuit Assemblies
Designing PCB tools that bridge electrical and mechanical design
research projects

DIY turntable for capturing playful, animated design documentation
Case StudySpin website

build in progress
Online community for sharing non-linear design process
Case StudyGithub repo

Interactive display for constructing, recording, and exploring tangible chain reactions
Case StudyMechanix website

modern architecture
Discover modern architecture using Google Street View, powered by Airtable

svg tracer
Vectorize images and packaging diagrams.
Medium post
Creates a stencil of any text, using any font
Medium post
escape pier 9 room escape
Designing a pop-up room escape
Medium Post
microbit character design
Experiments with Microbit-driven Tamogachi
Medium Post
Auto-documenting tangible toolkit
Demo videoIDC Paper
Tseng, T. (2016). Making Make-throughs: Documentation as stories of design process. Ph.D. Dissertation. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Tseng, T. and Resnick, M. (2016). Spin: Examining the Role of Engagement, Integration, and Modularity in Supporting Youth Creating Documentation. In Proceedings of DIS. Brisbane, Australia.
Tseng, T. (2015). Making Make-throughs: Supporting young makers sharing design process. In Proceedings of Fablearn 2015. Stanford, CA.
Tseng, T. (2015). Spin: A photography turntable system for creating animated documentation. In Proceedings of IDC. Boston, MA.
Tseng, T. Build in Progress: Building process-oriented documentation. In K. Peppler, E. Halverson, & Y. Kafai (Eds.), Makeology: The Maker Movement and the Future of Learning (Volume 2). New York, NY: Routledge.
Tseng, T. and Tsai, G. (2015). Process Products: Capturing design iteration with digital fabrication. In Proceedings of TEI. Stanford, CA.
Tseng, T. (2014). Modifying the shape of an Arduino. In A. Gibb (Ed.) Building Open Source Hardware: DIY Manufacturing for Hackers and Makers (p. 83-94). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley.
Tseng, T. and Resnick, M. (2014). Product versus process: Representing and appropriating DIY projects online. In Proceedings of DIS. Vancouver, Canada.
Tseng, T., Yang, M.C., and Ruthmann, A. (2014). Documentation in progress: Challenges with representing design process online. In Proceedings of IDETC. Buffalo, NY.
Tseng, T. and Bryant, C. (2013). Design, reflect, explore: Encouraging children’s reflections with Mechanix. In Proceedings of CHI Extended Abstracts. Paris, France.
Ducao, A., Tseng, T., and von Kapri, A. (2012). Transparent: Brain computer interface and social architecture. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH. Los Angeles, CA.
Tseng, T. and Resnick, M. (2012). Building examples: Media and learning affordances. In Proceedings of IDC. Bremen, Germany.
Tseng, T., Hemsley, R., and Resnick, M. (2012). Replay: A self-documenting construction kit. In Proceedings of IDC. Bremen, Germany.
Tseng, T., Bryant, C., and Blikstein, P. (2011). Collaboration through documentation: automated capturing of tangible constructions to support engineering design. In Proceedings of IDC. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Bryant, C., Tseng, T., and Blikstein, P. (2011). SLATE: System for Learning and Assessment through Tangible Exploration. Presentation at Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education Conference. Berkeley, California.
Tseng, T., Chen, H.L., and Sheppard, S. (2011). Early Academic Experiences of Non-Persisting Engineering Undergraduates. In Proceedings of ASEE. Vancouver, Canada.
Tseng, T. and Yang, M.C. (2011). The Role of Spatial-Visual Skills in a Project-Based Engineering Design Course. In Proceedings of ASEE. Vancouver, Canada.
Tseng, T., Bryant, C., and Blikstein, P. (2011). Mechanix: A tangible interactive wall for exploring engineering design. In Proceedings of TEI. Funchal, Portugal.
Tseng, T. and Bryant, C. (2010). Mechanix. Poster and demo presented at SIGGRAPH for the Disney Research Learning Challenge. Innovation Award for outstanding innovation in an educational product.
Full CVblog posts
Designing the Recurse Newsletter: Still Computing (Mar 16, 2020)
One Month of Food Journaling (Feb 24, 2020)
2019 in Side Projects (Dec 24, 2019)
Tiff’s Favorite Reads 2019 (Dec 19, 2019)
Applying to the MIT Media Lab (Oct 10, 2018)
Learning about SVG at Recurse (Aug 10, 2018)
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